Tournament Rules, House League Select, 2015-2016 (Barrie Minor Hockey)

PrintTournament Rules
                                                      Barrie Minor Hockey Association
                                                      Select Tournament Rules & Regulations

1.        Eligibility

1.1.       All players eligible to play in the tournament must be on an approved roster or approved affiliate list.  There will be no exceptions.

1.2.        All games will be played under O.M.H.A. rules.  All players must register prior to playing in their team’s first game, including AP players.  Players must play in at least 1 round robin game to be eligible to play in the Semi-Finals or Final game.

1.3.      The Tournament Director and/or Committee have final say on all rules and regulations and/.or the interpretation of those.  The Referee’s decision is final.  No protests will be heard on a referee’s decision.

2.        Administration

2.1.      Both managers and coaching staff must report to the tournament officials’ room to complete game sheet prior to the game.

2.2.      A maximum of 19 players per team will be allowed on the game sheet.

2.3.      All teams must be prepared to start play 15 minutes in advance of the schedule time.

2.4.   No protests allowed.

2.5.      Home team is the team in the top box of the schedule.  Home teams will wear their light colored jerseys.

2.6.      Dressing rooms will be administered as follows:

2.6.1.    Tournament staff will inspect each room prior to and immediately after each game.

2.6.2.    Damage to dressing rooms will result in a $50.00 cash bond prior to the team receiving a room for subsequent games.

2.6.3.    Damage claims from the City of Barrie will be forwarded to the association responsible for payment.

2.7.      No Camera’s, cell phones or electronic devices allowed behind the bench, except for Tournament photographer, Yearbook photographer, and Tournament Committee member.  Anyone other then persons mentioned will be asked to leave.  If a team would like to take pictures please see Tournament Committee member for the best spot in arena to take pictures.

2.8.      Point System

2.8.1.    Teams will receive 2 points for a win, 1 for a tie, and 0 for a loss.

3.        Group Play

3.1.      Novice, Minor Atom, Atom games to consist of three (3) periods 10-10-10 minutes stop time.

3.2.      M Peewee, Peewee, M Bantam, Bantam games to consist of three (3) periods 10-10-15 minutes stop time.

3.3.      Minor Midget and Midget games to consist of three (3) periods 10-15-15 minutes stop time, with a flood between the second and third periods.

3.4.      Running time till occur when a 5 goal spread occurs in the 3rd period, applies to all games, including the Semi’s and Finals.  The clock will stop RUNNING TIME if the deficit is reduced to 3 goals. Note: Penalties incurred during running time will be served during running time (straight time). No time outs will be permitted until Semi-Final or Finals games.  After group play is completed and in the event of a tie in the standings, to determine which team advances, seeding or the Wild Card, the appropriate tiebreaker format will be applied as found in the Tie breaking Format posted at the tournament.

4.        Semi Finals and Championships

4.1.      Novice, Minor Atom, Atom games to consist of 3 periods 10-10-15 minutes stop time.

4.2.      M Peewee, Peewee, M Bantam, Bantam games to consist of 3 periods 10-15-15, stop time.

4.3.      Minor Midget & Midget games will be 3 periods 15-15-15, stop time with a flood between the second and third periods.

5.        Semi Finals and Championship Tie breakers

5.1.      In the event of a tie at the end of regulation time, a 10 minute stop time sudden victory period will be played.  If still tied;

5.2.      Teams will play 3 minute run time sudden victory periods starting with 4 on 4.  After each 3 minute period the number of players will be reduced by one until the teams play to one on one.  One on one will continue until the game is decided.  In the event of a penalty the offended team will take a penalty shot.  The clock will be stopped to allow for the penalty shot.  The player taking the penalty shot will be the coach’s choice however that player must be on the ice at the time of the stoppage of play. If coincidental penalties are called, No penalty shot is awarded.

5.2.1        .All changes are to be done on the fly.

6.        Suspensions

6.1.      Interpretation of the rules and regulations will be at the discretion of the tournament committee.  All committee decisions are final.

6.2.      Suspensions will be issued as outlined in the Current OMHA Manual of Operations.

6.3.      Players receiving a suspension during tournament play must serve the OMHA code mandated number of games, starting with their next tournament game.

6.4.      Players receiving suspensions during league games prior to entering the tournament are eligible to play in the tournament if their sanctioning body approves.

6.5.      Game Misconduct

6.5.1.    Any player or team official who receives a Game Misconduct penalty will be suspended in accordance with the OMHA Manual of Operations.

6.5.2.    Any player or team official who receives a Game Misconduct penalty will be suspended in accordance with the OMHA Manual of Operations.

6.6.      Any player or team official receiving a Match Penalty anytime during a game will be suspended from any further tournament participation.  This suspension will be separate from any suspension subsequently issued by the O.M.H.A.






If teams have equal records after Divisional play then the tie breaking format will

be used to determine, which teams will advance and/or which team ranks higher. 

(If other special circumstances apply, they will be posted with schedule)  The format is as follows:


1 – Winner of the head to head game

2 – A goal ratio formula will be applied.  The formula is as follows:


Goals For

(Goals For + Goals Against) = %

3 – The team with the most goals scored for.

4 – The team with the least goals scored against.

5 – A coin toss done by a Tournament Official with 1 Representative from each team involved present.


If 3 or more teams are tied after Divisional play then the format will begin at point 2 from above.