Qualifications By Position for BMHA Representative -HL-Select
ALL On-Ice Volunteers, Managers, Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Trainers
1.Police record check (VSC) renewable every 3 years
2. Gender Identity and Expression Module (free, never expires)
3. Respect in Sports Activity Leader ($32, Never expires)
4. Register as Bench staff or Volunteer with BMHA to sign Rowans law waiver (Free, Yearly)
Police Record Check Volunteer forms Click Here
Declaration Form if current Check is not expired Click
Rep Coach
1. Coach 2 Certified or D1
(BMHA covers 50% of certification first year and the other 50% if you return to coach the following year)
U12 -U18
1.D1 Certified
(BMHA covers 50% of certification first year and the other 50% if you return to coach the following year)
HL and Rep Coach and Assistant Coach U5-U9
1. Coach 1 Intro to Coaching This is the only coach cert accepted for this level. Never expires (online )
BMHA covers 50% of certification first year and the other 50% if you return to coach the following year)
Coach and Assistant Coach U10-U18
1.Coach 2 (Includes a checking module and a prerequisite HC 1/2 Coach ,Never expires ) (Online )
BMHA covers 50% of certification first year and the other 50% if you return to coach the following year)
Trainer Every team requires a trainer to attend every ice time to ensure Safety of the team
1. Trainer 1 ($20) Online Recert required every 3 years) Trainers are not required to be able to skate and can stand in the bench area.
We Understand our members time is extremely important to them and we appreciate all our volunteers for dedication and time they contribute to ensuing the most positive experience to our youth and members. Please reach out if you would like to become a part of this amazing team.