Oct 19, 2014 | amorrison | 303 views
Crushers Game Summary - 19 Oct
The hard work and team-play pays off again!
First let me start by saying that the score of today's game was not indicative of how close the game actually was. Both teams played very well and both goalies were outstanding!
All of the coaching staff are so impressed with how well the boys are applying the skills we are learning in practice and discussing before the game. With the way the boys are playing we are proud of them regardless of the score on the scoreboard.
Today's game was hard fought with the first goal not being scored until the 2nd period. Demonstrating how much we are growing as a team, we had four separate boys score today! No first goals of the year, but still lots of fun.
Today's player of the game was Alex. Alex had an outstanding team-game, looking for and passing to his teammates and battling really hard every shift. Well done Alex!
I can't wait until next weekend!
Go Crushers Go!
Coach Andrew