Oct 27, 2014 | amorrison | 418 views
Timbit Orange Crushers Game Summary - 26 Oct
Another solid team effort!
I'm pretty sure we can all see the improvement in our boys with each and every game! I am really impressed with our team-play and how the boys are supporting each other (creating depth on the ice - which is reducing the break-away chances). There were lots of goals scored by many different boys (seven to be exact), but only one puck given out this morning (we give the boys a labelled puck to recognize their FIRST goal of the season).
A big congratulations to Owen on his FIRST goal of the season!
All of the boys tried very hard and everyone contributed to the win. However, there were two boys that deserve special mention this week.
The first is Tyler A for his outstanding team play, including two beautiful head-man passes to his team-mates.
The second is our player of the game, our goalie, Parker! Parker's photo is gracing the cover of this article (special thanks to Connor's mom). Parker had a great game between the pipes and due to his great angling (or maybe bright orange shirt ;) caused the other team shoot wide on a number of occasions. Congratulations on a great game Parker!
We're going to keep working hard at practice pushing ourselves to improve. Remember our two rules though: try your best and have fun! I for one am certain that all of the boys are doing both.
Go Crushers Go!
Coach Andrew